I'M Tasheera Abhishek

Hello, I'm Abhishek Silva. I'm an undergraduate at the University of Westminster and currently working as a Trainee Software Engineer. I specialize in developing responsive web and mobile applications using Next.js, React.js, Flutter, and Jetpack Compose, and I build scalable backends with Spring Boot. I'm passionate about learning new technologies and solving real-world problems while collaborating with other developers.

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My Education

BEng (Hons) Software Engineering

University of Westminster (2022-2026)

Informatics Institute of Technology

G.C.E. A/L

Sri Sumangala College (2021)

Physical Science with ICT (B,S,S)


Trainee Software Engineer | July 2024 - Present

hSenid Mobile Solutions

During my time as a Trainee Software Engineer, I have been involved in:

  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop innovative software solutions.
  • Assisting in debugging and maintaining the codebase to ensure optimal performance.
  • Participating in agile ceremonies such as sprint planning and daily stand-ups.


Programming Languages
Java & Spring Boot Python C#
Mobile Development
Flutter Android Native (Jetpack Compose)
Web Technologies
HTML CSS JavaScript Next JS React JS Tailwind CSS
Database & Tools
MySQL PostgreSQL Prisma Git Postman Docker


Football Club Information App

This app is built with Android Jetpack Compose and connects to APIs to display football clubs. It also stores data using SQLite, providing users with streamlined access to club information.
(Android Jetpack Compose)

Country Flag Guess App

This mobile app focuses on county flags. It offers four levels of difficulty, and users can toggle the timer on or off.
(Android Jetpack Compose)

CVD Risk Analyzer
(Group Project)

The mobile application assists doctors in calculating the cardiovascular disease (CVD) level of patients using chart formulas. Additionally, its machine learning prediction feature enables the prediction of CVD levels.
(Flutter and Machine learning)

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QR Code Generator

This website enables users to create QR codes for their inputted text easily. You can generate QR codes using goqr.me API..
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

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Queue Management System

The software manages customer queues, representing them with their respective positions. Additionally, it calculates the shop's income. Users have the ability to add or remove customers from the queue

Shopping System

The software functions as a shopping system. Managers have the capability to include products through the Command Line Interface (CLI), while customers can purchase products utilizing the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
(Java and Swing)

E- Commerce Store

The website offers to users have the ability to add, remove, and adjust quantities of items within this cart. Upon entering this information, the page redirects to the payment data entry section.
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

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